Welcome to the
Kiwanis Club of Los Altos
"in the heart of the Silicon Valley"
We are a volunteer group of adults focused on serving our community by participating in community service projects together and raising money for our scholarships and grant programs.
You can find us giving back to Los Altos, neighboring communities, and globally through our community service.
Celebrating more than 75 years in our community!
Join the Kiwanis Club of Los Altos
Curious about Kiwanis?
Come to a Club Meeting!
Newcomers and Visitors Welcome!
We meet for lunch and fun at noon on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the historic Neutra House at 181 Hillview Avenue (adjacent to the new Community Center), Los Altos. Each week we have a speaker or other program of interest to our members. Lunch is provided to all guests, speakers, and members. On the second Tuesday of each month, we have an evening Zoom board of directors meeting to which all members are welcome to attend, and on the fourth Tuesday of each month we have an evening social meeting from 6pm to 7:30pm at the Neutra House with snacks and refreshments.
Visitors, Guests and Prospective Members are always welcome to join us!
Please e-mail: info@losaltoskiwanis.org so that we can welcome you.
Here are a few of our community activities:
What we've done
Los Altos Kiwanis Pet Parade
77 Years of Empowering Kids and Making Community